Tarot Card Meanings

Tarot card meanings help explain the messages each card conveys during a reading. Understanding these meanings can provide clarity on different aspects of life.

  1. Major Arcana

    The Fool

    The Fool

    The Fool tarot card represents new beginnings, adventure, and unlimited potential. Symbolized by a carefree figure on the brink of a journey, it encourages taking risks and exploring the unknown with an open heart. While it embodies innocence and spontaneity, it also serves as a reminder to consider the consequences of one's choices along the way.

    Upright: beginnings, freedom, innocence, originality, adventure, idealism, spontaneity

    Reversed: reckless, careless, distracted, naive, foolish, gullible, stale, dull

    The Magician

    The Magician

    The Magician tarot card symbolizes personal power, creativity, and the act of manifestation. Illustrated with a figure in action, it signifies harnessing one's skills and resources to achieve goals, encouraging proactive behavior and confidence in one's abilities.

    Upright: willpower, desire, being resourceful, skill, ability, concentration, manifestation

    Reversed: manipulation, cunning, trickery, wasted talent, illusion, deception

    The High Priestess

    The High Priestess

    The High Priestess is the second card in the tarot deck, symbolizing intuition, inner wisdom, and spiritual insight. Depicted as a mysterious woman sitting between two pillars, she embodies the balance of dualities and serves as a guide to accessing one's higher self. This card invites individuals to trust their instincts and seek deeper understanding in their personal journey.

    Upright: unconscious, intuition, mystery, spirituality, higher power, inner voice

    Reversed: repressed intuition, hidden motives, superficiality, confusion, cognitive dissonance

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  2. Minor Arcana (Wands)

    Ace of Wands

    Ace of Wands

    The Ace of Wands is a tarot card symbolizing new beginnings, creativity, and inspiration. It represents the potential for personal growth and the excitement of pursuing fresh opportunities. This card encourages individuals to embrace their bold ideas and take action to manifest their goals, making it a powerful omen for success and positive change.

    Upright: inspiration, creative spark, new initiative, new passion, enthusiasm, energy

    Reversed: delays, blocks, lack of passion, lack of energy, hesitancy, creative blocks

    Two of Wands

    Two of Wands

    The Two of Wands tarot card symbolizes planning, decision-making, and exploration. Depicting an individual holding a globe and standing between two wands, it represents the choice between two paths and the contemplation of future options. This card encourages introspection, urging individuals to assess their desires and to follow their intuition before making significant choices.

    Upright: planning, first steps, making decisions, leaving comfort, taking risks

    Reversed: bad planning, overanalysing, not taking action, playing it safe, avoiding risk

    Three of Wands

    Three of Wands

    The Three of Wands tarot card symbolizes expansion, foresight, and achievement. It depicts a figure looking out over vast possibilities, signifying the rewards of hard work and successful planning. This card encourages taking action towards future opportunities while being ready for potential challenges ahead.

    Upright: momentum, confidence, expansion, growth, foresight, looking ahead

    Reversed: restriction, limitations, lack of progress, obstacles, delays, frustration

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  3. Minor Arcana (Cups)

    Ace of Cups

    Ace of Cups

    The Ace of Cups is the first card in the Suit of Cups, symbolizing love, emotional beginnings, and universal compassion. It represents a flow of positive emotions, kindness, and connection, encouraging openness to new relationships and experiences. The imagery of an outstretched hand holding a cup signifies an invitation to receive and share love.

    Upright: love, new feelings, emotional awakening, creativity, spirituality, intuition

    Reversed: coldness, emptiness, emotional loss, blocked creativity, feeling unloved, gloominess

    Two of Cups

    Two of Cups

    The Two of Cups tarot card symbolizes connection, partnership, and harmony. It represents the emotional bond between individuals, where both parties share mutual respect and equality. In various readings, this card often indicates the presence of a supportive partnership in love or work, emphasizing the importance of communication and collaboration.

    Upright: unity, partnership, attraction, connection, close bonds, joining forces, mutual respect

    Reversed: separation, rejection, division, imbalance, tension, bad communication, withdrawal

    Three of Cups

    Three of Cups

    The Three of Cups is a tarot card symbolizing celebration, friendship, and emotional connections. It depicts three women joyfully toasting their cups, highlighting the importance of community and shared happiness. In readings, the card often indicates good times, social gatherings, and a recognition of achievements, but it can also serve as a reminder to maintain balance in relationships.

    Upright: friendship, community, gatherings, celebrations, group events, social events

    Reversed: gossip, scandal, excess, isolation, loneliness, solitude, imbalanced social life

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  4. Minor Arcana (Swords)

    Ace of Swords

    Ace of Swords

    The Ace of Swords is a tarot card representing clarity, new ideas, and breakthroughs. It symbolizes new beginnings and the power of the mind, encouraging decisive action and clear communication. When drawn, it often signifies a period of clarity in situations where confusion previously prevailed.

    Upright: clarity, breakthrough, new idea, concentration, vision, force, focus, truth

    Reversed: confusion, miscommunication, hostility, arguments, destruction, brutality

    Two of Swords

    Two of Swords

    The Two of Swords represents a state of indecision, conflict, and the need for balance. Symbolized by a blindfolded woman with crossed swords, it signifies the challenge of facing difficult choices while being blind to certain truths. This card urges individuals to confront their fears and weigh their options carefully before making a decision.

    Upright: stalemate, difficult choices, stuck in the middle, denial, hidden information

    Reversed: indecision, hesitancy, anxiety, too much information, no right choice, truth revealed

    Three of Swords

    Three of Swords

    The Three of Swords represents themes of heartbreak, sorrow, and betrayal. It often signifies emotional pain and significant loss or separation, suggesting that one must confront uncomfortable truths and heal from these experiences. While it symbolizes grief, it also highlights the potential for transformation and overcoming difficulties in time.

    Upright: heartbreak, separation, sadness, grief, sorrow, upset, loss, trauma, tears

    Reversed: healing, forgiveness, recovery, reconciliation, repressing emotions

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  5. Minor Arcana (Pentacles)

    Ace of Pentacles

    Ace of Pentacles

    The Ace of Pentacles represents new opportunities, success, and the potential for growth in various aspects of life, especially in material and financial areas. Its imagery often includes a hand holding a pentacle, symbolizing tangible opportunities provided by the universe, and a lush landscape indicating abundance and the fruitful results of efforts. Overall, this card encourages action and hard work to manifest the positive changes it signifies.

    Upright: new opportunities, resources, abundance, prosperity, security, stability, manifestation

    Reversed: missed chances, scarcity, deficiency, instability, stinginess, bad investments

    Two of Pentacles

    Two of Pentacles

    The Two of Pentacles tarot card represents balance, adaptability, and the art of multitasking. Depicted as a figure juggling two coins while surrounded by the symbol of infinity, it emphasizes the need to manage various life responsibilities and the constant flow of change. This card encourages individuals to navigate life’s challenges with grace, flexibility, and awareness of their priorities.

    Upright: balancing resources, adaptation, resourcefulness, flexibility, stretching resources

    Reversed: imbalance, unorganised, overwhelmed, messiness, chaos, overextending

    Three of Pentacles

    Three of Pentacles

    The Three of Pentacles signifies collaboration, teamwork, and skill in achieving goals. It represents individuals coming together, each contributing their unique talents toward a shared objective, emphasizing the importance of communication and mutual respect in creating something valuable. The card encourages pooling resources and expertise, highlighting that great achievements often stem from collective efforts.

    Upright: teamwork, shared goals, collaboration, apprenticeship, effort, pooling energy

    Reversed: lack of cohesion, lack of teamwork, apathy, poor motivation, conflict, ego, competition

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Yes or No Tarot